Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am back.

I have finally finished my history project (a major reason why I haven't been updating my blog) so now I'm back.. 

In the next couple days I'll try to update about Prom and graduation and all the other happenings that I've been up to.. 

Here's my history project if you're interested though.. We had to create (in a group) a 10 minute documentary on the Free Speech Movement of the sixties.. A LOT of work, but I learned a lot too :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

I am terrible.

Dan, Myself, Brittany and Chad at prom
I'm still a terrible blogger.. Weird, who would've guessed.. It's nearly been a month since prom and I haven't written anything yet.. I'm sorry! I've been swamped with homework! This weekend we've had the Pops concert which is about 3 1/2 hours of music put on by the school.. I'm in concert choir, girls chorus, and two ensembles. Bellow you can see one of our songs where I have a one line solo. It was a lot of fun, last night was the first night and tonight is closing night..

The seniors are graduating next weekend and before long school will be out. Time is going so fast! 

I have my flights now and I'm leaving here on the 31st and arriving in New Zealand on the 2nd of May, but I will write more about that later when I have some time. For now I have an hour before I have to be at the concert and another page to write of a sociology paper due tomorrow with an accompanying presentation I haven't finished yet.. Last minute cramming, argh. 

But do not worry, I am still having a wonderful time and I will update you soon! I haven't forgotten about you.