Friday, October 29, 2010

Newest ABT Movie

Sorry it's so long, but that's the way my teacher uploaded it to youtube. For Advanced Business Technology, our assignment was to make a film between two and three minutes to go in the hall of fame all about Emmetsburg. We had to work in partners and my partner's video and mine is last.

I also helped two of my friends, Chad and Tyler, make a short advertisement for their marketing class public service video yesterday. They had to do a video on cyber bullying, raising awareness on it. 

Opening night for the play is tomorrow night and I'm so excited :) We get the day off school too cause there's been parent teacher conferences. I'll update sometime during the weekend. 

Enjoy :)


Debbie Lamb said...

These are very informative. What lovely pictures of the town with the beautiful Autumn colours. Everyone has done really well :)

Veronika said...

Your movie(s) is (are) amazing! I love them. And I´m even in some of them - it was fun making Chad´s video. And I know I´m impatient. Haha. Anyway...
I love you, sister :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nicole!!!
Love Uncle Garry, Aunty Catherine, Jayden and Sharhys
We hope you had a great day. Looks like you are having a great time. Love you very much